Sunday, September 27, 2009

Goodwins Champions Pack 2 of 4

So I decided that I do like this set very much - I will be getting a hobby box in a few weeks although I do not have the money. My wife wants jewelry, I want cardboard - we all have our vices.

I've decided that I will never acknowlege the UD 20th century cards any longer - they all go into a pile that will one day be on its way to Rob VOTC - probably after my box is ripped - those cards are the definition of sucky.

Anyway, we've got Fausto Carmona and Miguel Cabrebra hanging out with us below. I am really excited to take a look at how this set looks in a binder all together - I really think it will pretty. I mean, I think it will look bad-ass and cool.

Now the minis - Got the normal Jordan - I'm wearing his underwear! No, I'm not, I wish I was Wayne Brady though - that would have to be fun at a bar. The Posada is the Gypsy Queen back - anytime I hear Sterling say "Jorge Juiced ONE! I cannot help thinking that Jorge just had sex with a very large woman - I should have never left college.

2 more packs on the way

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