Sunday, November 30, 2008
Alternababe Crushes of High School part 7
Anna Waronker
Band: That Dog
Song: Never say Never
Album: Retreat From the Sun
That Dog is a band that was always terribly inconsistent when it came to songwriting. Anna is a girl who is always consistent when it comes to being a very pretty girl. There is one thing to say about this video - she can be very foxy without taking it to a dirty X-Tina type level. Plus the song is catchier than AIDS. When that dog disbanded the members went on to do their own thing and some joined up with Matt Sharp of Weezer fame to do the The Rentals. Another classic alt rock band that does not get their due.
Heritage High numbers 17-20

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Alternababe Crushes of High School part 6
Now however, an oversight I cannot believe I made is being corrected right here in the top 3.
Kim Shattuck
Band: - The Muffs
Song: Sad Tomorrow
Album: Blonder and Blonder
Okay, now in my days, I have never once had a single person agree with me that Kim is a total knockout. All I can say is, I like what I like - I don't anticipate many agreeing with me here, but if you are a fan of solid pop punk - at least you can appreciate her. I first heard the Muffs on the Angus soundtrack (a GREAT teen comedy, totally underrated and great soundtrack through and through). So after hearing the song, I did what any enterprising teenager would do.
Join Columbia House under a fake name and get 12 cds for 1 penny! (and then never pay).
I probably owe them...well lets just say I've got over 40 cds from that place for less than $5 bucks.
Anyway - I loved the album, and their follow up Happy Birthday To Me I view as a classic pop punk album, up there with the Queers and Screeching Weasel. Please enjoy Sad Tomorrow.
2008 Heritage High Numbers packs 13-16
Pack 15
eric Hinske
Pack 16
Glen Perkins
Friday, November 28, 2008
Alternababe Crushes of High School Part 5

Louise Post AND Nina Gordon
Band: Veruca Salt
Album: American Thighs
Lousie in the video is the girl on the left in the T shirt and Nina is the lead vocalist. Now, I have always been partial to Louise (so was Dave Grohl - to my knowledge the classic song Everlong is about her) so she will be the focus here. There was always an unspoken struggle between the two women who shared songwriting duties but rarely worked together on a tune. Since their split, Louis continues to use the Veruca Salt moniker and Nina has been recording on her own. Unfortunately, neither has found much success with the other. Please enjoy - Seether .
sorry to have to send you to You Tube for the link, but their video inbed options have been disabled. Weak. Had I known that I would have demoted them on the list!
EDIT - The following video is not of Veruca Salt, but is the song "Powerball" from the band Helium. I don't know much about the band, but this is the honorable mention here since... well I dont need to justify anything to you. As a band they were okay, as a babe... not my type - looks like if the girl from king of queens got beat up. BUT - this is notable because when i was 16 and a Junior in High School I made out with a girl in here dorm and SUNY Binghamton listening to this album.. Hell Yeah
TTM - Andy Ashby

2008 Upper Deck Masterpieces Want List
7, 14, 42, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 12, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120
If you can help I am willing to trade for these sps - I have game used cards available, sps from other sets and a lot of doubles from 08 Topps Heritage, so let me know!
12/12/08 - Danny @ Saints of the Cheap Seats sent 3 my way
3/11/09 - Chris from Nachos Grande got me 3 closer
5/21/09 - Steve @ sent over Eddie Murray - toooo sweeeet
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Alternababe Crushes from High School Part 4
Justine Frischmann
Band: Elastica
Song: Connection
Album: Elastica
From the opening chords of this song, I was sold. Yes, its reminiscent of that old tune by Wire, but whatever, nothing is new or original anymore anyhow. She brings the hot to the table in many ways. 1) British girl - nice teeth, sweet accent 2) I was/am a complete sucker for girls with this haircut. My wife actually just got one very similar to it, and I am a happy man. 3) This album was full of great pop songs. I actually had a hard time choosing the video to feature here, but since this was their biggest hit it got the call. take 2 minutes to enjoy yourself.
Also - Something for the ladies here as well - about a dozen naked dudes. I wonder how the drummer felt about this shoot?
Heritage High Numbers Box Break packs 9-12

Mike Aviles RC

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Lady Alternarocker Crushes of High School Part 3
#5 - Kay Hanley
Band - Letter To Cleo
Song - Awake
Album - Wholesale Meats and Fish
Letters to Cleo you may remember hit it big when a song off their first album called "Here and Now" was featured on the Melrose Place soundtrack. This, like almost everybody else is what got me into the band. But this song "awake" off their second album is the kind of song that has kept Letters to Cleo on my most listened list in I Tunes. After this album, LTC put out one more record before disbanding. Kay went on to do a solo career and do all the vocals for the Josie and Pussycats movie soundtrack (guilt pleasure extraordinaire) and drummer Stacy Jones went on to form American Hi-Fi.
What appeals to most about Kay is the voice and the fact that she looks just like that one girl you went to highschool with who always wore her hair a little funky, and wouldn't immediately laugh when you approached her. I loved that girl.
Part 4 Tomorrow
TTM - Scott Bailes
Personally, I love listening to former ballplayers (McCarver excluded) - this applies more so to on radio than TV. There is a sense of legitimacy to what they are saying. Who are your favorites to listen to?

Updated / New Want lists
1992 Topps
315, 340, 357, 772,
2008 Topps Co-Signers
3, 7, 18, 19, 21, 36, 39, 41, 42, 43, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 61, 70, 71, 73, 74, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 90, 93, 94, 95, 100
Thank you kindly for dealing with a boring post!
Contributors To Completion
Greg @ Night Owl Cards - 12 92 Topps Cards
Danny @ Saints of the Cheap Seats - bunch of 92 Topps cards - 27 more to go!
4/2/09 - 17 more 92 Topps from Greg @ Lake Effect Cards!
4/3/09 - 6 more 92 Topps to go thanks to reader Brandon!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Lady Alternarocker Crushes of High School Part 2
#6 - Shirley Manson
Band - Garbage
Song - Only Happy When It Rains
Album - Garbage
Garbage is the baby of a group of super producers from the alternative scene (heavy hitter/drummer Butch Vig being the most notable) and a sexpot from Scotland named Shirley Manson. Garbage were really one hit wonders as far as albums go, as they were never able to duplicate the success of their debut. This makes sense because they really were not an AMAZING band. Just good. And Shirley... oh Shirley. Picture yourself as a 14 year old boy whos got a hard on for heavy music, and not much oppurtunity for using that hard on any where else. picture it... I'll wait.
OK. Now you see this video of a pretty good band and a very hot girl full of piss and vinnegar. Harlot red hair. This is the alternateen dream. Now read the interview with her in Spin Magazine. I dont remember anything about that interview except multiple references to the color and amount/lack of pubic hair. Remember now, you are an awkward 14 year old boy. and you are now in love.
Part 3 Tomorrow
Land of Steves - Trades Receiveds (sorta rhymes)
Now, both of these men sent me a handful of 1990 Fleer cards that I needed to finish my NOW COMPLETED set.
Now, I dont know about all of you, but when I complete a set, I often go all Southern Baptist and have an old school freakout....
Like this
Give it about 30 seconds until you see the kind of excitement that I am talking about.
So now that i've gotten the ghost, It's time to move on to the rest of the goodies.
All of these cards come from Steve and I thank him for it.
2008 goudey Prince Fielder
2008 Ud Baseball Heroes
torii Hunter
Pedro Martinez
Carlos Delgado
Omar Vizquel
Kevin Kousmanoff
Reyes/Jeter Duel Card
2008 Topps Heritage Low
NAP Vladdddddy
Dali Lama
Luis Aparicio
Luke Hochever (pronounced ho shaver I believe - good for him)
Tad Iguchi
David Wright
The Riot
Cole Hamels SP
Thanks to the both of you - all of these cards are now safe in their respective pages
Monday, November 24, 2008
Lady Alternarocker Crushes of High School - Part 1
So here is whats happening. I think as its well known at this point, along with baseball cards, my other major interest in music. Now, there are many things to love about music - when I was in high school, if it was distorted and had a good chorus, I was in. The only thing better than that is if in the band was a super cute girl with short hair. Hence, I bring you my top 7 lady alternarockers. Now this list is a combination of bitchin' song, good rockin', and good lookin'. Sometimes the song isn't as bitchin or rockin, but the girl is - magnificent. Other times, the song is the cats pajamas, and the girl... well she wrote a good song. Here we go
#7 - Kim Deal
Band - The Breeders
Song - Divine Hammer
Album - Last Splash
Kim Deal is probably best known for her time spent as the bass player for arguably the most influential alternative rock band ever, The Pixies. however, after a Pixies split she joined up with her sister Kelly (and lots of heroin) to form the Breeders. Their biggest hit was Cannonball, however I feel strongly that this was the best song they ever penned. Now, while I love this song, it is only number 7 because I only kinda like Kim. So now that I look like a superficial d-bag, here is the first video - leave me some love, tell me what you think. Part 2 tomorrow.
Body Count

So after a weak premier movie, 24:Redemption
we have our first count.
Jack Bauer killed - 14 People
Everyone else killed - 11 People
I will keep a running total -
Now, When the season starts I may run some contests over who correctly guess and body counts before the show air time - and I will find some goodies to give out.. I will flesh this all out before the premier in January.
Heritiage High Numbers Box Break part 2

Saturday, November 22, 2008
2008 Heritage High numbers Box Break Packs 1-4

5 Hobby Packs of Topps Series 2
Pack 1
Jose Guillen
Ricky Nolasco
Jeff Francoeur
Ted Lilly
Erick Threets RC
Chris Capuano gold 971/2008
Topps Stars Alfonso Soriano
Adam Kennedy
Matt Murton
Gary Matthews
2 points due to the Soriano insert
Pack 2
Jay Gibbons
Scott Baker
Alex Cora
Nick Punto
Nick Markakis Trading Card History
Franklin Guitierez gold
Dead President/Aspiring Dead President
Jon Garland
Mike Rabelo
Bobby Abreu
0 points - If I ever get another card of a president, well, I wont do anything, but I won't be pleased
Pack 3
Pat Neshak (TTM's best friend)
Miguel Batista
Cliff Floyd
Pedro Martinez
Chris Young
Hideki Matsui
More Dead Presidents
Rickie Weeks
Willy Tavarez
Eric Gagne
- 10 points - damn presidential cards
Pack 4
Marcus Thames
Brendan Ryan
Alex Gonzalez
Elliot Johnson RC
Adam Everett
Oliver Perez
Tom Gorzalanny Gold
Jonny Gomes
Kenny Rogers
Casey Kotchman
ummm...1 point?
Pack 5
Ryan Theriot
Kyle Davies
Fred Lewis
Bill Hall
Tom Gordon
All Star Rookie Adam Dunn - what is it with me and Adam Dunn lately
Reggie Willits gold
Austin Kearns
Joba "dui" Chamberlain
Scott Hairston
how on earth is this pack the winner with 3 points - these have to be the worst 5 packs in the history of packaging.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Trade with Chris @ Stale Gum
First off, there were a bunch of cards off my 08 Goudey want list. I am down to needing only 12 more to complete the base set w/o sps - please - check it out if you think you can help me. I chose to show these two cards because they both recently did something notable - but I cannot remember what it was.
Since I cannot remember... here is my challenge to you. Please use the comment section below to make up a story about what it is exactly Albert Pujols and Dustin Pedroia did. I'll give you the first sentence - you do the rest.
It was a cold week in November after the season where both of their teams did not win a world series. However, a great happening in both of their lives happened upon Albert and Dustin's car got stranded on the highway in a small town in Upstate New York.....

Next up, were a small stack of 08 Heritage to get me a bit closer to the set. I still need quite a bit of help, but every card helps. I chose to show Big Prince here because he is hands down the fattest vegan I have ever see and was wonderfully satirized on The Onion as a gigantic cheeseburger. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

TTM - Rafael Belliard

2008 Topps Heritage Wantlist
2008 Topps Heritage
122, 187, 196, 198, 231, 337, 427, 431, 434, 430, 433, 444, 467, 448, 449, 453, 454, 456, 461, 463, 464, 465, 469, 470, 471, 472, 475, 477, 479, 481, 484, 485, 488, 493,
Baseball Flashbacks
New Age Performers
5, 13, 15
Then and Now
4, 9
**Update**Thanks to Chris @ Fan Of Reds I have 12 less cards on this list - many thanks my friend!** UPDATE **Thank you Dayf for knocking a few more cards off my list - still quite a ways to go** UPDATE **Mr. Chris Harris was kind enough to send me 9 more cards off this list. It's getting bumped to the top in hopes that the Heritage Fairy is watching and will come to me in my sleep with a box of high numbers.**UPDATE**Steve @ White Sox Cards sent me 8 more cards for my Heritage set - bringing me that much closer to the goal. Thank you my friend - your package is on the way**UPDATE**Reader Steve K got me 5 cards closer - Thank you sir~**UPDATE**Cliff got me just a few cards closer! Step by StepUPDATE -Reader Chris has me 1 card closerUPDATE -No more Kenny Lofton Thanks to RayUpdateThanks to Greg @ Night Owl Cards I am 2 cards closer2 cards closer thanks to Joe @ MLB Collector
6/4/09 - 5 more from the Collective Troll!
A New Face
and fall in love.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Looking for Someone to Love Me - Autos

I already have a few of you in mind out there for some of these cards, but I dont know what you have, and dont want to make you feel like you NEED to take them off my hands. So here is a quick rundown of what you see above.
Felipe Paulino Auto 416/500 from 08 Topps Co-Signers
Bronson Arroyo Auo (AU-BA) from 07 Upper Deck Elements
Micah Owings Auto (ART-MO) from 2008 Upper Deck Series 1 All Rookie Team (as D Back)
Michael Bournce Auto (ART-MB) From 08 UD s1 All Rookie Team (as Phillie)
Jesse Crain auto from 07 Ud Artifacts
Shoot me an email or leave me a comment and see if we can work something out. I have a bunch of game used that will be showing up here shortly. Thank you all!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I am who they thought I was
If I had to give myself a designation as one type of collected, I could say with certainty that I am a set collector. When I started dipping my toes back into the hobby waters around April last year, it all started with 2 packs of 2007 Topps Series 1. Thats how all of this started again. I'd had all my old cards still in my closet and would bust them out from time to time, pick up a junk box of E-Bay - file them and back in the closet.
Then I realized that when making a dreaded Target or Wal-Mart run, I could actually get something that doesnt annoy me, I was going any time that I could. Now, had I made the decision to go to a hobby shop at this time - It may have turned differently. however, I am just recently married, have years of poor decision making to make up for, and in turn, really do not have a lot of expendable income - so building a set out of $2 packs was the way to go. I was able to have a goal and able to collect while not dipping into the bill money. It was great, and I was back.
I never did finish that set because my mom, bless her heart, bought me the complete factory set for X-Mas, and I felt it was redundant to keep buying cards I had. Maybe someday I will revisit it. But now, if I look to my left, there are 4 binders full of cards, one for 08 UD, one for 08 Topps (1/2/UH), one for 08 Heritage/High, and one for 08 Goudey/B Heroes. Not only that, but whenever I have the chance, I try to fill in cards from my youth... Try as I might, I cannot turn down a $10 junk wax box from the late 80s/early 90s.
There is something about that few hours that just takes me back. Rip the packs, put them in # order, make a checklist. Put the doubles in the mail pile. Later, Rinse, Repeat.
To date, my biggest accomplishment, and first set that I finished since my youth is my 87 Topps baseball set. I was determined to get this set exclusively through packs (no trading, no buying singles) and somehow, it took me 4, yes 4 boxes, but when I finally got that last card (Terry Pendleton), I could not have been happier. Those cards now proudly sit on my shelf and get pulled out and paged through quite often. There have been a few times where I try to be adult and tell myself I cannot keep doing this. Just got married, kids will be on the way probably sooner or later, how can I keep spending all of this time, money, space in the house, on kids stuff? Well, it's because I love it. And if you are a blogger, or someone who reads this rag, I am sure there is a part of you that feels the same way.
Don't get me wrong. I love a good hit as much as anyone else. You all, or 4 of you, read how excited I was to get that David Wright game used card. I love to pull a sweet auto of a pack, and try to by Hobby boxes of what I collect when I can afford to. If nothing else, the hits become sweet trade bait. Here's the thing though, If I never get another "Hit" again - I really don't think that I would mind. I know this is the antithesis to how Gellman collects, but thats okay - there is room for all of us, and I actually feel that I am better off if there is more ying to my yang. This way wecan all help each other.
That is a lot of the reason I started writing my own blog. I've been reading them a lot and rarely ever commenting, but I started noticing the community involved. Lame/mushy/whatever. It's weird how come my dinner break at work, I really look forward to that hour of running down the blog roll. I feel good when one of you finishes your set, gets a great pull, has a great ancedote about a card or player. I am not sure where I am really going with this, and feel I may have ventured off topic. But thats how I feel about it. I might have to stop at Target on my way to work today and see whats on the shelves. Every pack can get you closer.
Topps Series 2 Blaster Pack Battle part III
Rookie - 5 Points
Met - 5 Points
All-Star - 2 points (each appearance)
Guy on my fantasy team - 5 points
Insert - 5 points
anything with a president - minus 5 points
Manager - minus 3 points
dispshit no one should really care about - 0 points
Checklist - minus 10
So far pack five is winning with 41 Points
Pack 7 -
Josh Hamilton - 2
Rocco Baldelli - 0
Chris Snyder - 0
Nate Robertson - 0
Chone Figgins YIR - 5
Homer Bailey - 0
James Shields - 0
Brian Wilson - 2 P
ack Total - 9 points
Pack 8
Checklist - -10
Jose Castillo - 0
Cla Meredith - 0
Jesse Litsch - 0
Jair Jurrjens - 0
Manny Parra - 0
Casey kotchman - 0
Kenny Rogers - 8
Jonny Gomes - 0
Pack total - Minus 2 points - so far the worst of the bunch by far
Pack 9
Adam Kennedy - 0
Matt Murton - 0
Gary Sheffield - 18 + 5 = 23
Todd Jones - 2
Campaign 44 - -5
Topps Stars Jimmy Rollins - 5 + 6 = 11
Daniel Cabrera - 0
Jorge De La Rosa - 0
Total - 36 points - 2nd place pack so far
Final Pack 10
Chase utley - 6
Marlon Byrd - 0
Mike Lamb AS Rookie - 5
Delwyn Young - 0
Mike Morse - 0
Mike Rabelo - 0
JonGarland - 2
Gary Matthews - 2
Pack total - 15 points
So we have our winner! Pack 5 on the strength of 3 big time starters, Schilling, Johnson, and Verlander - is the Winner
Ah, and the game used card is Adam Dunn - who wants it? Until Next Time
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
2008 Upper Deck Baseball Heroes Want List
Once again, much love to anyone who can help - I've got lots of doubles and lots of parallels I don't care about, just let me know what you need!
Thank you Steve @ White Sox Cards for 8 more cards towards my set - these will be getting paged up right quick!
** UPDATE **
Cliff @ Capewoods Collections sent along 13 cards towards the set! Thank you my friend!
Reader Chris got me 2 cards closer
Andy of 78 Topps brought me 17 cards closer!
Reader Ray got me 10 cards closer!
Greg from Night Owl Cards got me 3 more !
Chris from Nachos Grande has me 14 cards away!
Another Sweet Tune
My wife and I saw this show here @ Binghamton University when they came through and I can say without any trepidation that Dave Grohl is unequivically the coolest dude ever.
1) He was in Nirvana - Epic
2) He played Satan in a movie
3) He has long hair and a beard
4) He wrote one of the best alternative rock albums ever, "The Colour and the Shape"
5) He boned that girl from Veruca Salt Louise Post - highschool crush supreme
6) He's a funny dude
7) He BRINGS it live as do the rest of the Foos.
Check it out
2008 Topps Series 2 Blaster Battle part II
Rookie - 5 Points
Met - 5 Points
All-Star - 2 points (each appearance)
Guy on my fantasy team - 5 points
Insert - 5 points
anything with a president - minus 5 point
sManager - minus 3 points
dispshit no one should really care about - 0 points
Checklist - minus 10
Pack 4
Nate McLouth - 2
Edwin Jackson - 0
Reggie Willits - 0
Year In Review Dan Haren - 5+4 = 9
Juan Pierre - 0
Trey Hillman - -3
Joe Crede - 2
bobby Abreu - 4
pack Total - 14 points
Pack 5
Matt Cain - 0
Curt Schilling - 12
Randy Johnson - 20 points
Justin Verlander - 2
Mark Ellis - 0
Adam dunn All-star Rookie - 5 +2 = 7
alex Gordon - 0
Yuniesky Betancourt - 0
Pack Total - 41 points - so far our leader by a large sum!
Pack 6
Garrett Olson - 0
Troy Glaus - 8 points
Ryan Braun - 2
Adam Eaton - 0
Melvin Mora - 4
Mike Scioscia - 1
Mike Redmond - 0
Jason Giambi - 10 points -
Pack total - 25 points
We will finish up tomorrow with the last 4 packs
Monday, November 17, 2008
Trade with Dayf the Cardboard Junkie

Finally, there are 18 cards from the 2008 Upper Deck set I needed. Again, I chose to highlight the one Met that was received. Now, Instead of telling you all of the things I like about Carlos Beltran (I think I am the only Met fan who really likes the dude), I thought I would discuss the one thing a man with as much money as he has should not have. the mole. I know its superficial, and there is plenty wrong with me, however, this is just outrageous. You would think he could find a few bucks out of $17 mill/yr to get this taking care of.
2008 Topps Series 2 Blaster Part 1
Now, since I am sure we have all seen enough of these cards and really, none of them are all that great looking since Topps is to photography as I am to succesful dieting, there shan't (I know its not a word) but I will apply an arbitrary grading system to the cards as we go, thus making a poorly organized on the fly pack battle!
I guess I should make up some kind of score card... here we go
Rookie - 5 Points
Met - 5 Points
All-Star - 2 points (each appearance)
Guy on my fantasy team - 5 points
Insert - 5 points
anything with a president - minus 5 points
Manager - minus 3 points
dispshit no one should really care about - 0 points
Checklist - minus 10
Pack 1
Conor Jackson - 5 points (roto league)
Michael Cuddyer - 0 points
Fausto Carmona - 0 points
John Russel - -3 points
James Loney All-Star Rookie - 5pts insert, 5pts roto league = 10 points
Campaign 76 - who cares - -3 points
Kason Gabbard - 0 points
Al Reyes - 0 points
pack total = 9 points
Pack 2
Franklin gutierrez - 0
Tom Gorzelanny - 0
Brendan Ryan Gold 1581/2008 - 5
Greg Dobbs - 0
Randy Wells RC - 5
Tony Pena - 0
Franciso Cordero - 4 (2x AS)
Ronnie belliard - 2 (1x AS)
Pack Total - 16 points
Pack 3
Bruce Bochy - -3 points
Ty Wiggington - 0
Prince Fielder - 2pts
Denard Span RC - 5 points
Joakim Soria - 2
Jo-Jo Reyes - 0
Aj Burnett - 0
John Smoltz - 16 pts
Checklist - min 10
Pack total - 10 points
Stay Tuned for part II tomorrow!
1990 Fleer Want List
Honestly, I can't even say that I am too excited to be finishing this set, but I guess I am just anal retentive that way and its been sitting in various closets of mine for 18 years now, just waiting for those few missing pieces. Help me complete a part of my childhood!

Thanks to Jeff @ Card Junkie I need only 4 more of these cards to finish the set up!
Thank you to the both of you for my first completed blogger assisted set. You are both very kind!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Trade with Chris @ Fan of Reds/Nachos Grande
However, on top of that, he threw some bonus cards in the form of a bunch of random Mets - my favorite kind of bonus! Of the 38 different Mets cards, all from the early 80s - early 2ks, here are the four highlights.
First we have a 98 topps Season Highlights card of John Olerud. Now if you are also a Mets fan you remember John as being a nice hitter at the plate, and wonderrul in the field - at one time, he was featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated along with Robin Ventura, Rey Ordonez, and Edgardo Alfonzo as the best infield ever. This isn't why I chose to write about this card. The following story is.
The story follows as such, and I have heard conflicing reports of its truthfulness, but we never let the truth get in the way of a good story do we? Here it goes, when Ricky Henderson was released from the Mets he caught on with the Seattle Mariners. While speaking with John Olerud, also with the Mariners at this time - he told him "I used to play with a guy who always wore his helmet in the field" - Of course Olerud replied, "yeah Ricky, that was me".
I hope its true - because Ricky Henderson is in a class of his own as far as people skills and I think that this is just fantastic.
Comedian David Cross does a comedy sketch about Ricky Henderson that is pretty spot on, but I could not find it on youtube. Check out his album "Shut Up You Fucking Baby" to get the goods.

Next up is a top prospect card of Butch Huskey from 93 Upper Deck. Butch was one of my first favorite B-Mets to get to the big time. While he was a nice player, I liked him more because he (along with I think it was Tommy Allison) was the first B Met player that I ever met and had a chance to speak with.
The story is as follows - In Binghamton, we had a new movie theather, Lowes, open up in town and to celebrate they had all of their movies showing for 50 cents each. Having already seen In the Line of Fire (John Malkovich is king) I was in line the next night to go see Cliffhanger with Sly Stallone. Now, who is it that gets behind me in line? One Butch Huskey - Thank God the lines were long because it took me a while to get up the nerve to say anything, but when I finally did, he was super nice and thanked me for being a fan and even shook my hand. As a budding teenager and big baseball fan, you can imagine the thrill that this incounter with a local celebrity at that time made me feel. Thanks Butch.

Next up is Gary "Camera" Carter. Now, I know he was the main reason the Mets were able to dominate the league when they did, but I can't help feeling that he was just a big douche. I would love for my mind to change, but this man was just an asswipe. Attention staved, born-again, rightious douche. These are the things that happen when you read tell-all books about your heroes and then let that impact you when you read their lame autobiographies. Weak Gary, weak.

Trade With Adam @ Thoughts and Sox

Next we have my two favorite cards received. These are from another set I have not seen before, but I would love to get more. it looks like these are from a set called Topps 2005 Fan Favorites. Well as a Met fan, they certainly are. You can never sleep on Straw, and while Jefferies was a little asshole not deserving of any respect from a veteran ballplayer, he was our asshole, and the reason I was never able to save my allowence money when his rookie cards hit stores in 1989.

Next is have Shawn bouman from 2005 Bowman. This guy was pretty much an afterthought of the Mets system until this year when his bat came together with his glove and hada good year in Binghamton once we lost Dan Murphy to the bigs. This one will be coming to the stadium with me this year if he makes another run through Bingo. He is currently hitting really well in the AFL.

Lastly is the big chip in the deal - A 2004 Bowman Heritage game used bat card #d 5/55 from 2004 Bowman heritage. As far as former Mets go, Mike is my 2nd favorite behind Robin Ventura. This is the first really nice Piazza card I have of him in a Mets jersey as I was not collecting in his heyday.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Trade Wtih the Cardboard Addict!

First up we have a Jeremy Griffiths card from 2003 Bowman's Best. Jeremy is a guy I actually remember watching while he came through here in Binghamton - This was before I had much interaction with any of the B-Mets or looked for autos of any kind, so I dont have too much to say about him personally, but it's still awesome to be able to have this card in my collection. His time in the major leagues was then than incredible, and he hasnt been there since 2004 - but once a B-Met, you always have a place for me in your fan club.
Next there is a Ryan Coultas Auto #156/400 from Upper Deck SP Prospects. Ryan was a 6th round pick for the Mets was Baseball America's #1 D-II prospect going into the draft, however never seemed to do to much for for his pro career - in fact, I really could not find too much info on him . However, that doesnt making getting this card any less awesome. I will do abit more ersearch on him in the future.
Joe - thank you so much, and I promise to be looking into my collection to see if there are any sweet little nuggets that I can send your way.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Moneyball Movie

Now, someone has to have a better suggestion out there than George Bush or Evander Holyfield.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Outta Mind, Outta Sight
Another TTM Success

Friday, November 7, 2008
I think Scott Boras has been a a victim of occular penetration
However every year there seems to be a player or two who's initial contract demands are so crazy, it makes you wonder if watches different games than us all year. Of course we all know he was the driving force behind Manny splitting for Boston and his hurt knee (check out a great, but long article by Bill Simmons here).
But what has really gotten my goat are his contract demands for Jason Varitek. Yes, Jason has been a very nice player for Boston, and last time his contract was up, it was a time when he was the heart and soul of a team that was already going to be losing a few pieces and could not afford their captain to be one of them - but now, to think that he is worth Jorge Posada money (which I don't even think Jorge Posada is worth) at 4 years and 50 mill plus - one would think that Scott Boras has indeed been skull fucked.
Lets look just at the last three years of numbers from the two aging backstops
Posada (Will use 2005-2007 as those were the years preceeding free agency)
Year Age G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI Avg OBP SLG
2005 33 142 474 67 124 23 0 19 71 .262 .352 .430
2006 34 143 465 65 129 27 2 23 93 .277 .374 .492
2007 35 144 506 91 171 42 1 20 90 .338 .426 .543
Now let's look as his comparables by age
Carlton Fisk, Carlton Fisk, Carlton Fisk - (HOF Catcher)
Year Age G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI Avg OBP SLG
2006 34 103 365 46 87 19 2 12 55 .238 .325 .400
2007 35 131 435 57 111 15 3 17 68 .255 .367 .421
2008 36 131 423 37 93 20 0 13 43 .220 .313 .359
Comparables by age from are Mike Stanley, Mike Lieberthal, and Mike Stanley - nice players yes, not exactly murderers row.
Now, by no means am I endorsing Jorge Posada for the Hall of Fame - Just stating that going into his contract year, his numbers were far superior. I understand you pay so much for intagibles and club house presence - but to say that Jason has earned a 4 year deal @ 50 Mil. plus? Insane.
But again, I feel very strongly that this is not all Scott Boras's fault - I have been doing some research and it seems the government has been taking steps to prevent future skull fuckings like the one Mr. Boras has certainly received. Check out the video below regarding the Occular Penetration Restriction Act of 2007.
I Need your help!
I am an idiot.
I thought I was being saavy and wrote a post up yesterday thinking I would put it up tonight, saving me the time from writing. The post is below regarding the 2008 Topps Series 2 packs. My thought was that when I hit publish, it would bump to the top.
Also, when I go to edit my posts, I see a link that says scheduled posts. So I figure, oh, I will just go schedule this post, then remove it from where it presently,
I do not know how to do these things, and for about a half hour or so now, I dont think I have gotten any closer to doing so. Are there ways for me to do this? I am normally busy on weekends so I want to have posts set to go up for the 7 of you who actually look at this. If you can be of any assistance please shoot me a line or leave a comment. I really do apprecaite it.
P.S. - I am jealous of all of you with cool title graphics/headers -Is there an easy program to use to create one, or is anyone out there will to trade their time and abilities for some free swag? Again, please let me know!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
And You Thought you Knew All the Stories about the World Series
To see how Cory Matthews and Mr. Feeny have used this victory to finally come together, click here.

What a beautiful tale.
Rest In Peace Shawn
Trade With Adam @ Thoughts and Sox
08 Alan and Ginter Minis of
Dustin Pedroia
Mike Lowell
A great ancedote about Dustin Pedroia and his soon to be legenday shit talking expertise taken from
"Oh my God. I’m telling you…this kid every game when we were facing a pretty good pitcher from Wichita State or Duke or something he’d lead off the game and hit a line drive and come running past the pitcher yelling ‘you better get used to it…I’m going to be hitting rockets off you all day.’ Then he hits a home run against [Mike] Pelfrey and he yells to him ’97 mph coming in and 197 mph going out’ as he’s rounding the bases. He’d just be chirping the whole game."
A few Topps heritage base cards and a Dice-k Chrome #d 1959
An 07' Ud Artifacts Jason Veritek Jersey Card
And Finally a bunch of random Sox cards per his request - we have a Schilling rookie, 07 Bobby Doer UD Masterpieces framed card, and a few Papi/ellsbury/Bucholz cards... hope you enjoy them Adam!
2008 Topps Stadium Club Baseball
#135 Jeff Niemann RC # 449/999
#2 Tim Lincecum Ast Day Pressing #70/599

This is the first redemption card that I have ever received - so I go to the site and log it in, and I should have it before 2/19/2009 - I guess Jed is a hard guy to get a hold of - This better be an on card auto or I will be slightly miffed.